News and Store
If you have any questions or comments about anything in I Feel Twitchy feel free to use the message board that's what it's there for and the lack of attention is making it feel lonely. If there's something that you don't want on the message board feel free to email me through the link in the navigation bar. I'll always reply.
Janurary 14th
Hey guys long time no post. Since I've gotten tons of complaints about the store on here (sorry I'm not too good at programming yet) I have set up an etsy store for I Feel Twitchy merch and my other items. Right now you can access that either through here or through the front page. You can still order items directly through here. The only differences between the store here and the store on etsy is here there is free shipping on all items while on etsy there is a small shipping fee on larger items. This store page will be under construction for the next month or so and new items will be popping up on both stores in the near future.
Deviant Art Myspace Twitter The New Etsy Store
Keep sending in votes and messages about what you want to see in the store and I'll do my best to make everything happen